Belief & Visualization
Belief & Visualization is a common yet under-used method to achieve the goals we hope that somehow, some way, will happen, sometime in our life. It is a process of focusing your mind on what you want and then to feel it! To allow it! To believe! To know that it is not only achievable but that it can and will happen, and it will happen to you! Believe that its yours right now! It also takes repetition..... To change the beliefs of 'lack' and 'struggle' from our DNA.
You could say something like: "I recognize that I am not living a life of abundance, so I release this energetic pattern, allowing abundance of all kinds to flow gracefully to me." You would say this 20 times a day, to clear this from you energy field (DNA). I will not go into all of the in's and out's of the processes. Find yourself a energy practitioner who can help you release everything faster, and your on your way. I will give you some links to listen too or to read about and you will have a fun time learning what you want to do with it.
Many of the best athletes or celebrity's use these methods to achieve their goals. Olympians learn to use the power of visualization to 'see' themselves win the medal. This same thing can be used by you and me. Yes! we don't have to be famous, or wealthy or unique in anyway to have the ability to 'see' ourselves in the right job, or the perfect weight, or the right income bracket or any number of other hopes and desires we may have in life.
Here's a couple of examples:
Jim Carey: When he first started out Carey was just struggling to get by. To stay motivated, he wrote himself a check for $10 million for "acting services rendered," and kept it in his wallet. Thanksgiving 1995 he landed the role in Dumber and Dumber and was payed $10 million for the part.
Will Smith: "In my mind, I've always been an A-list Hollywood superstar. Y'all just didn't know it yet." He explains that anyone can achieve anything..... they just have to believe they can.
Money and the Law of Attraction – Abraham-Hicks
Think and grow Rich --- Napoleon Hill