Monday, February 20, 2017

Did you know that we all vibrate at a certain frequency?
Did you know that the frequency that you vibrate at relates to how you are feeling and what is going on in your body, mind or even your environment?
Did you know that if your bodies frequency/vibration is to low then you will start experiencing disease.

Average Body Frequencies
Normal Brain   72-90 MHz
Human Body                         62-78 MHz
Thymus Gland  65-68 MHz
Heart    67-70 MHz
Lungs    58-65 MHz
Liver    55-60 MHz
Pancreas   60-80 MHz

Illness & Disease
Colds & Flu    57-60 MHz
Disease Starts   58 MHz
Candida   55 MHz
Epstein Barr   52 MHz
Cancer   42 MHz
Death Begins at  25 MHz

* Frequency/vibration applies to every thing, every cell in our body, every plant on the earth, even rocks and soil have a frequency. It also applies to sound, color, light, food, chemicals, pollutants .... everything. When parts of our body becomes stressed or diseased it is no longer at the correct frequency.

Here is something to think about:
Negative thoughts decreases our frequency up to 12 MHz
A positive thought can increase our frequency by 10 MHz
Prayer/meditation increase our frequency by 15 MHz

Dr Royal R Rife found that "every disease has a frequency. He found that certain frequencies can prevent the development of disease and that others may destroy them.

Things to do every day to increase our frequency...

Meditation: Calms our mind and relaxes our body. The mindful practice of breathing in and out calms and quiets us and lifts our thoughts, realigns our mental processes and invigorates our bodies. 5- 10 mins a day is a good start.

Keep Alcohol, Junk, and Caffeine to a minimum:
All these substances pull our bodies and minds down. They jack us up too high just to let us come crashing down. Limit the use of these and you will find that your mind and body adapt and balance to its normal function. The over use of these can have serious negative effects on our minds and bodies.

Music and other Passions
: Listening to beautiful music always lifts the mind and soul. It surrounds you with the vibration of the notes and melody. Not all music is created equal.... in other words different kinds of music create different moods, and effects on our bodies and minds.
Do you have a passion for something? Skiing, jogging, reading, painting..... anything that you love to do lifts your mind and heart. It brings with it excitement and purpose that causes our frequency to rise. Do something everyday that you love!

Healthy Food: As I said before good, clean food is so necessary to a healthy life. Its frequency is high and healthy. To eat an apple or carrot a day is to give your body the very essence of health that is needed in our very polluted worldly environment. Eating healthy foods helps with our weight as well as our minds.

Essential Oils: Are a wonderful way to increase our frequency very fast. They are made from the plant itself and if you buy a good quality oil their frequency is anywhere from 52HMz to 320 MHz
(frequency of Rose Oil). Other oils that are wonderful are Frankincense, Clove and Peppermint. There are a lot of different ones, be careful and learn how to use them for your best benefit.

Positive Thoughts: Our thoughts are either positive or negative. Therefore the frequency of those thoughts are either high or low. The more negative thoughts we entertain, the more the frequency of our body lowers. The opposite is true, the more positive in our thoughts and words the higher frequency we have, and the happier we can be.

Energy Work! : After all that is what this blog is about! Check out my website and if you feel inspired to do so, schedule an appointment. You will find that there is much that can be done to align yourself to the positive thoughts, ideas, and emotions that will raise your frequency.