Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Belief & Visualization

Belief & Visualization is a common yet under-used method to achieve the goals we hope that somehow, some way, will happen, sometime in our life.   It is a process of focusing your mind on what you want and then to feel it! To allow it! To believe!  To know that it is not only achievable but that it can and will happen, and it will happen to you!  Believe that its yours right now! It also takes repetition..... To change the beliefs of 'lack' and 'struggle'  from our DNA. 
You could say something like:  "I recognize that I am not living a life of abundance,  so I release this energetic pattern, allowing abundance of all kinds to flow gracefully to me."  You would say this 20 times a day, to clear this from you energy field (DNA).  I will not go into all of the  in's and out's of the processes.  Find yourself a energy practitioner who can help you release everything faster, and your on your way.  I will give you some links to listen too or to read about and you will have a fun time learning what you want to do with it.  

Many of the best athletes or celebrity's use these methods to achieve their goals.  Olympians learn to use the power of visualization to 'see' themselves win the medal.   This same thing can be used  by you and me.  Yes! we don't have to be famous, or wealthy or unique in anyway to have the ability to 'see' ourselves in the right job, or the perfect weight, or the right income bracket or any number of other hopes and desires we may have in life.

Here's a couple of examples:  

Jim Carey: When he first started out  Carey was just struggling to get by.  To stay motivated, he wrote himself a check for $10 million for "acting services rendered," and kept it in his wallet. Thanksgiving 1995 he landed the role in Dumber and Dumber and was payed $10 million for the part.

Will Smith:   "In my mind, I've always been an A-list Hollywood superstar.  Y'all just didn't know it yet."   He explains that anyone can achieve anything..... they just have to believe they can.

Think and grow Rich --- Napoleon Hill

Monday, June 20, 2016

Farming & Life

Have I told you that we farm..... well we do, and this is one of the times of the year that we are busy, busy, busy!

The other day I was on the swather, that is the machine that cuts our hay crop.  I normally enjoy cutting hay, its just a time when I can go back and forth in the field and think about things without any pressure.  I can enjoy the view of the mountains and watch the clouds float by.   I enjoy watching the tall crop of green leafy hay being swept up into the 'header' and cut into rows where it will dry over the next few days and then my husband will come late in the night when the dew is just right and bale it into large ton bales.

Well that was not what happened on this day.  I started out just fine, back and forth, back and forth. Then I glanced in the mirror that lets me see behind me where I just swathed, and I was leaving a narrow row of hay that was not cut.  Then mud got gummed up in the knives that cut the hay, and more hay was left uncut.  I have to tell you this went on for 5 hours,  I had phoned and told my husband the problems so he knew that something wasn't right, but the hay needed to come down so he said to just do my best.  Its kind of  hard to explain all that was happening to someone that doesn't know farming so I will just tell you that by the time I was finished, the field was a mess.

Uncut hay sticking up all over, clumps and piles that had balled up in the machine and come banging out the back.  It was not my finest job!   Now this was a serious no, no!  because;  #1 It looks bad to have all those uncut pieces still standing in the field, after all, the neighbors fields around us are cut to perfection and we don't want them to think that we are sloppy farmers.  #2 It makes it harder to dry the rows when there is still green hay in the middle of it.  #3 Your husband will come out and say, "I thought I taught you to cut better than that... do you need me to take over?  Yeah that is the worst one.... I can cut hay with the best of them, as long as 'he' has the swather greased and oiled and aligned correctly.  And so when he says #3, well, then I have to bring up this little detail that, obviously he didn't do something right and so now look what was happening!!

Well that was what I expected that day. I could see as well as anyone that it was a mess.... then my husband drove into the field.  I turned the swather off and watched as he looked at the field and waited for me to get out.  He said, "Someday's just don't go the way you have planned, do they.  The good news is that this field will be as good as new again once the second crop has grown back."  Well I could have kissed him! .... I think I did!  Twice!

Life is like farming, there are days and weeks and months and sometimes years that come with unexpected events and trials.  At those times we look in dismay at the 'wreck' we think our lives have become.  "What happened?" We ask ourselves, "How can we deal with it?"  "What can be done?"

Its at those times we need to see things in the perspective that life goes on, that the sun will shine tomorrow, that it may be hard now but there can still be a light at the end.  I heard a quote once that said, "Rainbow's are made with rain and sunshine"  It takes the rain to come down hard in our lives sometimes to appreciate the sunshine and rainbow that it eventually produces.

So give yourself a brake, look hard to find the good, and always hope and pray for the strength to live each day better than the last.  The hay always grows back! and your life always has a new day. Express gratitude for that renewal and...... breath deeply..... enjoy the beauty of your life.

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Thursday, May 19, 2016

Have you noticed that you are always trying to build your self-confidence?  That you are always unsure if you are important or worthy of a person's time and attention?  Do you look in the mirror and wonder if you will be able to do what is required of you that day?
Our individual worth seems to always be in question, (at least by us.)   Maybe there is a sense of not really 'knowing' yourself, of being uncertain and overwhelmed by the many responsibilities you face every day.  Maybe you feel like you don't fit in with your co-workers or maybe your wondering why you haven't found that one special person you can share your life with.  There are a million different things that can get in our way and become a stumbling block to how we view ourselves. Everything that surrounds us daily affects us for good or bad, it can be uplifting and gives us peace or it can be negative and drag us down.

Yes! we live in a time that there are battling voices; in our heads, in the world and in our homes.
We are often left with a fear that we can't see past the worry of this moment,we can't see past the trouble that's around the corner, we can't see past the fear that we aren't enough, smart enough, funny enough, pretty or handsome enough, wealthy enough, and in our quiet times we wonder......

The other day I stood in front of my mirror and struck a super-hero pose.... you know that one with your hands on your hips, head held high,  your legs wide and firm and that super-hero confidence exuding from your piercing gaze.  I looked into that mirror and said with gusto  "I am amazing, I can do anything, I have all the confidence in the world.  Bring on the day!!!"  
Ok, I felt a little better, but I knew that deep down I still struggled with the word 'enough'.
The energy of the word 'enough' is strong in positive and negative ways.  Its all about how we use it. "I am enough" is a strong and powerful statement, but "I'm not enough" is fearful and self-defeating.
We are all trying to use positive affirmations to train our minds into thinking that we are wonderful, amazing, wealthy, happy, etc.  And that's not wrong!  But I believe there is more to it.

It might surprise you to know that to improve your confidence and self-love, you need to look away from yourself and look outward.  Focusing outward and seeing others and the great need there is for your kindness and love is the most authentic expression of ourselves that we can give.   When you show kindness to someone your individual worth shines back at you from the eyes of that other person.  How do you feel then?  You feel Amazing!, you feel Happy!, you feel Confident!  you then realize you are Enough in that very moment.  When we are struggling with the perception of ourselves we tend to draw in-ward, as a protection, but to truly love yourself, you have to love others.

Have you ever known a person who is facing great trials in their life and yet is the first person to reach out to someone else in need?  Each of us have so much to offer, we have our own personal experience to share and empathize with others.  We have a shoulder for someone to cry on, we have a smile that can quickly reach out and touch a passerby.  We have ears that can listen and a heart filled with compassion and  love.  It can be addicting!  This crazy idea that to feel good about ourselves we should look for the need in someone else!  Yup! it sounds crazy enough to work!

Yes, life can drag us down, we all struggle with having confidence and being enough, but the more we shift our focus outside ourselves, we find that our internal fears are less pronounced and we can be the answer to someone else's prayer, and that will make both of us smile!

Saturday, May 7, 2016


Have you ever thought about how important a THANK YOU can be in some one's life.  It's a special thing to see the world and appreciate it, to see people around you and recognize their amazing uniqueness.
I watched two of my darling granddaughters the other day.  They were playing a make-believe game.  One gave the other a blanket and layed it over her legs.  The other said in a very prim and proper voice, "Thank you very much! You are too kind." The first one said, "I gave it to you because you look cold and I don't want you to be                                                            cold..... and besides that, I love you!"
How precious was their example to me.  Its so easy to get caught up in the problems of life..... there seems to be a never-ending supply of those, but when we let that negative mindset be our focus we are hurting ourselves, and those we love.  We become very ME oriented, we become grasping and complain that we are not happy, and that life is not fair all the while not seeing that we should look outside ourselves, to the wondrous beauty of the world.  We can have such touching and supportive relationships with friends and family and strangers we meet each day.  Have you ever been grateful for a unexpected smile from someone that you passed in the store?  Have you ever been grateful for a random conversation with someone you were sitting beside at the dealership while waiting for your car to be serviced?   When was the last time you offered a store clerk genuine appreciation for their kindness or service?
My husband often tells me how much he appreciates when I iron his shirts.  Yes, I know we are an old fashioned couple.... I have tried to teach him how to iron over the years but he seems to be all thumbs and, well, the shirts just look better if I do them.  Anyway, it makes me feel loved and appreciated when he makes these small and simple statements of gratitude.

In energy work gratitude is the power that causes all good and beneficial things to come to us. Being grateful for what you already have will attract more good to you.  What a concept!!
There are somethings we can do that will help us recognize the blessings in our lives.

*  Speak kind words to our family..... after all they are the most important people to us.
*  Enjoy the beauty of a sunrise, or the peace found in nature.
*  Complement someone for something, and find joy watching their reaction!
*  Express gratitude to God for your life and blessings
*  See how many times you can say thank you in one day.
*  Get yourself a gratitude journal and take 5 mins every night to write several things that you were
     grateful for that day.

Gratitude brings peace and beauty into your life.  What are you grateful for today?

Thursday, May 5, 2016


Thanks for visiting my blog.
I am certified in the SimplyHealed energy method and ....   can I just tell you.... I love it!
Its a comprehensive method that is so fast and easy.  I realize that there are many other programs and modalities out there and they are all good, they all touch important areas and do wonderful things.
BUT... SimplyHealed is gracefully 'simple' in its application.  Quickly, it can release childhood beliefs & limiting beliefs & false idea's - Oh My!  And that's just a start!
It allows you to be YOU!   Happier; able to see the joy in life; relaxed; open to the positive forward motion of your life.    Check it out!