Thursday, May 19, 2016

Have you noticed that you are always trying to build your self-confidence?  That you are always unsure if you are important or worthy of a person's time and attention?  Do you look in the mirror and wonder if you will be able to do what is required of you that day?
Our individual worth seems to always be in question, (at least by us.)   Maybe there is a sense of not really 'knowing' yourself, of being uncertain and overwhelmed by the many responsibilities you face every day.  Maybe you feel like you don't fit in with your co-workers or maybe your wondering why you haven't found that one special person you can share your life with.  There are a million different things that can get in our way and become a stumbling block to how we view ourselves. Everything that surrounds us daily affects us for good or bad, it can be uplifting and gives us peace or it can be negative and drag us down.

Yes! we live in a time that there are battling voices; in our heads, in the world and in our homes.
We are often left with a fear that we can't see past the worry of this moment,we can't see past the trouble that's around the corner, we can't see past the fear that we aren't enough, smart enough, funny enough, pretty or handsome enough, wealthy enough, and in our quiet times we wonder......

The other day I stood in front of my mirror and struck a super-hero pose.... you know that one with your hands on your hips, head held high,  your legs wide and firm and that super-hero confidence exuding from your piercing gaze.  I looked into that mirror and said with gusto  "I am amazing, I can do anything, I have all the confidence in the world.  Bring on the day!!!"  
Ok, I felt a little better, but I knew that deep down I still struggled with the word 'enough'.
The energy of the word 'enough' is strong in positive and negative ways.  Its all about how we use it. "I am enough" is a strong and powerful statement, but "I'm not enough" is fearful and self-defeating.
We are all trying to use positive affirmations to train our minds into thinking that we are wonderful, amazing, wealthy, happy, etc.  And that's not wrong!  But I believe there is more to it.

It might surprise you to know that to improve your confidence and self-love, you need to look away from yourself and look outward.  Focusing outward and seeing others and the great need there is for your kindness and love is the most authentic expression of ourselves that we can give.   When you show kindness to someone your individual worth shines back at you from the eyes of that other person.  How do you feel then?  You feel Amazing!, you feel Happy!, you feel Confident!  you then realize you are Enough in that very moment.  When we are struggling with the perception of ourselves we tend to draw in-ward, as a protection, but to truly love yourself, you have to love others.

Have you ever known a person who is facing great trials in their life and yet is the first person to reach out to someone else in need?  Each of us have so much to offer, we have our own personal experience to share and empathize with others.  We have a shoulder for someone to cry on, we have a smile that can quickly reach out and touch a passerby.  We have ears that can listen and a heart filled with compassion and  love.  It can be addicting!  This crazy idea that to feel good about ourselves we should look for the need in someone else!  Yup! it sounds crazy enough to work!

Yes, life can drag us down, we all struggle with having confidence and being enough, but the more we shift our focus outside ourselves, we find that our internal fears are less pronounced and we can be the answer to someone else's prayer, and that will make both of us smile!

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