Saturday, July 28, 2018


A positive way of thinking and acting, powered by a belief in yourself.
How often do you follow or listen to someone that is unsure of themselves.  Stumbling, and bumbling along, they are indecisive or uncertain.   Its because they lack confidence, they may really have the knowledge that you are looking for but they portray themselves in a hesitant and powerless way.   Here are a few things to practice to gain greater confidence:

Yup! That will get you every time.  When we have a loss of confidence it creates an energy field around us that everyone feels, thus they ignore or lose interest.  Be in the moment...  make no apologies and be totally at peace with who you are.  Express yourself clearly (this may take some practice, but your up to it) and connect with the other person. 


Have you ever seen a performance or listened to a speaker that you could have listened to all night?  What grabbed your attention?  The topic might have been interesting but it was the confidence, earnestness, joy and charisma that the speaker had that attracted you. Now you say, sure, some people just have it.’ But I say, SO DO YOU!   Know what you are talking about, express it with feeling.  Don’t pretend to be something your not--just be you!

I knew a lady that was an amazing teacher, it was her gift.  She got a new job and was very frustrated and uncomfortable with everything, she felt she wasn’t a good teacher, the students didn’t like her etc.    As we talked about it she said that all the other teachers wore suit coats, simple skirts and pants, low ugly shoes (at least in her opinion) and everything was dark and dreary.  Now my friend was not any of that!  She was a very stylish dresser.  Lots of color, fun shoes and jewelry.  When she walked into a room you noticed and enjoyed her uniqueness.  So she decided to BE HERSELF..... and BAM!  She had her confidence back.  She expressed her true self.   What makes you be YOU?  Find your authentic self and let it shine.

Confidence is our greatest resource.   No matter how overwhelming things may be,  you will know you can handle whatever comes at you.  Practice acting like you know what your doing..... who knows, it may surprise you that you really do.

Thursday, July 12, 2018


Be the best at whatever and whoever you are.
How often have you looked in the mirror and been content and satisfied with what you see?
Most of us would find many things wrong with our appearance, but that is just the surface, what we are really seeing is what we are inside.... how do you see yourself there?

We live in a competitive world.  It really started in our childhood experience, our families.  If you were the first, or second or third child it all dictate’s how we perceive ourselves. 
Did you grow up with great abundance or serious lack or something in between?   Again this teaches us many things about ourselves and who we think we really are.

Too often we let others determine who we really are.  But they don’t know, they just think they do.  So why do we give our power over to them and try to fit into the square that they have allotted for us.  Its because, for one reason or another we believe them, we see ourselves through their eyes.  We struggle to see that in a world of many millions of people, how could we  possibly be interesting, unique, funny, smart, etc.

You are all those things and more!
First you have to WANT to believe it is true;  and second you have to LIVE as if it is true.

Martin Luther King, gave this great analogy.....
“If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music or Shakespeare wrote poetry.  He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, “Here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well.”

Everyone on this planet is amazing!  You are Amazing!  You must live and act that way.  Don’t hide your talent, your skills, your love and kindness. 
You don’t have any need to compete with your friends or neighbor’s because they are good at who they are, and you can applaud there uniqueness.  BUT don’t forget  you are uniquely amazing at who you are as well. 

Therese of Lisieux was a nun in the 1800's in France.  She said:
“The splendor of the rose and the whiteness of the lily do not rob the little violet of its scent nor the daisy of its simple charm.  If every tiny flower wanted to be a rose, spring would lose its loveliness.”

You are that Rose, that Daisy, that Violet... you are smart, amazing, and unique!  Don't compare yourself.... Determine to be the best at whatever you are.... TODAY.

 Believe in Yourself

Great minds have written about this topic from the beginning of time. Each has given their valuable insights and thoughts, yet we as individuals-- still deal with this very real self-sabotage!
I would love to snap my fingers and give you a look at yourself that would bring a smile of contentment to your face.  This post may not be able to do that completely, but I hope it will give you something to think about and to implement in your life.

 None of us are good enough, smart enough, strong enough, funny enough, pretty or handsome enough as we think we should be OR, as we see others to be. We are so busy looking for evidence that we are not enough, that we truly believe we don’t ‘stack-up”, or measure-up, or ‘stand above the crowd!”   
Why do we do that?  
That kind of thinking destroys the very beauty of your soul.  Life is full of competition and it can be rough, there will always be someone further along than you .
Many believe that it will take a lifetime to realize you are enough..... Bologna!! I say!
You are already there, you already have within you the very things that are enough, that speak of your magic, that uniqueness of you! . 

We weren’t born all at once from some splat of cosmic gel!  We were born individually (some twins, quadruplets, etc. Lets not get technical) By a loving God who gave us precious qualities.  I have the ears of my mother, I love to paint and draw, I like strange and unusual topics like, 'what made a scientist decide to look in a belly button for never-before-seen bacteria AND FIND IT!'   I like to eat potato chips covered in vinegar with a spoon.  You may say YUCK! But I say YUM!  Its because I am unique just as I am, and so are you.
Today I want you to start doing things that will change that negative sub-conscious thinking.

*Write on every mirror in your house; I AM ENOUGH!  and read it out loud whenever you pass.
* Start a **ME** journal; every day write 3 things about yourself you like...   be honest!
* Everyday give someone a compliment.  When they smile and receive it, that very act makes us feel powerful and good.
* Call me! :) There are often things that are buried deep in our sub-conscious that needs to be cleared.  Its fun and simple and can open up your ‘Enoughness’!

Celebrate your own unique development.  You have within you all that you need, YOU know Enough, YOU have Enough, YOU are Enough!  And when your Enoughness is shining bright and someone recognizes it...... then you can tell them that they are enough too.